Thursday, August 28, 2008

Yves Behar: Creating objects that tell stories

Usually when one thinks design, they think ergonomics, function or aesthetics but very rarely do they think values. That was what this video was trying to drive home, the important of values in design. Most of his designs have human values in mind, for example the water bottles for more healthy drinks as well as a an ingenious “toy” that encourages imagination and the $100 laptop was designed with the thought of less fortunate children in mind which ultimately directed the design.

As well as values, Behar also touches on the “full human experience” which is what he kept in mind when working on a few of his projects. He didn’t want to just “reskin” the old technology but completely overhaul the design from the inside out working on every aspect of the design to create a completely new experience as well as a design. This is something I feel to be quite important as design isn’t just about stealing an idea and tweaking it but should be about a completely new way of doing something or thinking.

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