Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The story of cap and trade

How wasteful our society is! I still can’t comprehend why so many of us still indulge in bottled water when we know that there is so much waste as a result. After watching that video I cant see the water that goes into those bottles as pure anymore because of the many many empty bottles that are a result of this pointless product! GRAB A CUP AND FILL IT WITH A TAP! I think this is another example of why this new generation of designers needs to be wiser with what they design. The public is very impressionable and with all the marketing techniques that exists these days its not hard to promote anything in a nice light. The truth is that we as designers know the consequences of what we design and we should be the ones that are at the forefront of environmental conservation. If we don’t design it, the public will never even notice that they needed such a thing to being with.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Design for Life

At first I thought this was going to be a really lame and stupid 6 episodes of some reality tv show. When I started watching though I got a little bit hooked! I find it really interesting that Starck picked the contestants based on their drawings and that some people got through even though their drawings looked so shit. I cant believe some of those guys made it on the show, out of all the contestants from England they were the top!? Either Starck wasn’t too fussed on who he picked or no one relay applied for this competition.

Something that I found really interesting though was how Starck tried to make them think about what surrounds a design rather than just the design itself. I guess that’s something that we learnt this past semester too. Its really important that the design is not just functional, but fits into the system and improves that system in more than just one way.

I also found it really funny how the cocky designer got kicked out not for having a bad design, cause his design was good, but rather for being too smart and just trying to please Starck. It make sense though because if all you try to do is please the guy above you, you’re never going to be able to break out of the mold that you are contained in. I guess it’s a good lesson to learn now as we are still in university, not just to design to please the lecturer like we all seem to be getting better at, but rather to design for the good of humanity.

One last thing that I found quite funny was Starcks reason for why Paris was the leader in design. He said, when you design something bad everyone says “that’s bad” when you design something good everyone says “that’s bad” so you’re always striving to do better than you did before.